Supplement your learning management system training catalog with our interactive e-learning courses! Choose from the courses listed below or request a custom course development. Our SCORM compliant courses will easily upload into your LMS where you have the power to assign the courses to your team and track their progress. We currently offer the following courses:
Incident Prevention Institute Utility Safety and Leadership Courses –
Available for Hosting on Your LMS
Core Compliance Package – LMS Course
This Core Compliance Package helps reduce costs while efficiently and effectively providing employees with basic training required to work safely in the utility industry. Each of the ten courses contains video lessons, knowledge check, and a quiz that must be passed to obtain a certificate of completion for their training records. These courses align with regulatory knowledge requirements and are perfect for orientation and refresher training.
*Note: Employers are responsible for evaluating knowledge and ensuring application.
The Art of Safety – LMS Course
Safety is a basic human need and a workplace right, but it is also a science. In this course, you’ll learn about the art of safety – how and why to understand, lead, develop, and protect people. We will also touch on electrical theory, ergonomics, and standards applicable to your workplace. This course includes a downloadable workbook.
Job Briefings – LMS Course
Job Briefings outlines a complete cycle that includes pre and post job briefings and two-minute drills along with requisite knowledge and skills required to conduct effective briefings. The course proposes multiple purposes of briefings that will make them more than monotonous work planning tools resulting in an empowered team that communicates effectively. This course is a must for anyone that conducts, develops, evaluates, or participates in job briefings.
Frontline Incident Prevention – LMS Course
Incident Prevention explains how to identify and control hazards and risks. In doing so, the course integrates leadership and HP into work planning tools. It discusses how safety should be measured, defines a systematic approach to training and how to plan and execute safe work. Factors that influence hazard identification are discussed along with controlling hazards by establishing safety by design and defense in depth.
Frontline Human Performance – LMS Course
People make mistakes. If we accept that, we can build programs designed to protect people and systems by reducing errors and managing controls rather than relying on people to be perfect. This course explains how to use HP to anticipate error likely situations and utilize tools that give us time to make rational decisions, focus our attention and maintain positive control of our work.
Frontline Leadership – LMS Course
You are a leader through positional authority and personal influence. In this course, you will learn how to maximize your potential and effectiveness by understanding how and when to use your authority and how to grow your influence. It details proven principles and strategies while challenging you with exercises and suggestions that will improve your leadership.
OSHA Electric Power Standards – LMS Course
The Ultimate Interactive, Online OSHA Electric Power Knowledge Solution for Utility Safety & Ops Professionals. This course was built to provide a simple and practical way to learn about OSHA’s Electric Power standards 1910.269 and 1926 Subpart V and provide expert insight and interpretations that help to understand the applications of the regulation.
How to De-escalate Conflicts in the field – LMS Course
For utility workers, de-escalating volatile situations in the field takes unique skills and approaches that typical de-escalation training just doesn’t address. They need proactive skills which help them understand – when to engage, how to engage, and when to escape the situation.
Unnormalizing Deviation – LMS Course
Risk tolerance tends to have a compounding and exponential effect over time through a phenomenon known as normalization of deviation (NOD). This course starts by exploring factors that contribute to NOD and explains how you can identify when it is occurring. It then details principles and strategies you can use to overcome NOD and accurately identify hazards and risks with full situational awareness, ultimately unnormalizing deviation.
Heat Stress – LMS Course
Much of your work occurs outdoors exposing you to hazards associated with heat. This course covers how heat affects your normal body function and why heat illnesses happen. This is a must attend course for anyone with heat exposure, especially those working in hot and humid climates.



Frontline Online gives your team an interactive and enriching video-driven learning experience that helps them advance their leadership, human performance and incident prevention knowledge and skills.
Best of all, this digital experience can be distributed via our Learning Management System (LMS) or uploaded via scorm file to yours! We also provide custom hybrid solutions to meet your organization’s specific training needs.
Learn More Now!

Earn Professional Development Credits While You Learn!
Your team can earn CEUs and/or CUSP points toward their CUSP credential recertification — while advancing their leadership, human performance and incident prevention knowledge and skills.
The views, information, or opinions expressed during this webinar are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of Utility Business Media and its employees. It is strongly recommended you discuss any actions or policy changes with your company management prior to implementation.